Foundation Cracks

Despite the modern and high-quality materials, homeowners face cracks in the walls and floors. They appear due to the sudden changes in temperature and the harsh climate in New England.

Cracks can also speak about problems with the foundation or shrinkage of the building.

But in any case, cracks contribute to the ingress of moisture inside, the development of mold, and mildew. Let our experts perform a thorough inspection and fix the problem.

Our company is one of the leading stone masonry contractors (near me) in MA. Our builders have been repairing cracks in residential and industrial premises for several decades. So, they know their job.

We offer effective and reliable solutions for eliminating various types of cracks in walls, basements, and masonry foundations.

We Stand Behind Our Promise to Deliver Timely & Quality Service

Our Service

Our team consists of competent professionals with mason or stoneworks experience. Therefore, we guarantee the quality of work.

We provide reliable foundation masonry repair of concrete floors, walls in the garage, the basement of houses. Our company works throughout the whole state of Massachusetts.

The crew of skillful builders gets to your place as soon as possible and solves the problem. We can guarantee that your house will serve many years.

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Floor Crack Repair

If you find small splinterings in the foundation, do not try to repair them yourself. Using waterproof paint or a floor covering will not solve the problem.

Cracks appear on new materials, plus they will not protect against moisture and mold. The gullies will increase, creating favorable conditions for high humidity, mildew, mold, and an emergency in the building.

Contact professionals who find out the cause of the occurrence and eliminate the problem.

We are a reliable and responsible contractor with specialized equipment to ensure the complete eradication of foundation cracks in Massachusetts. Depending on the severity of the problem, we can suggest removing the previous repair.

We Stand Behind Our Promise to Deliver Timely & Quality Service

Wall Crack Repair


Vertical breaks in foundation walls are usually signs of subsidence. It is common in new homes. They are called shrinkage cracks. They are usually no wider than 1.8 inches. If the crack is larger, the reason for the appearance may be different.

And it speaks of more severe problems. In this case, you need to contact a specialist to check and choose the appropriate option for elimination.

Our brick masonry repair (near me) in MA uses two effective methods:

he high-pressure injection into the crack. A closed-cell polymer resin fills it from the inside.
The option of high-pressure injections is suitable for large breaks. It prevents moisture and insects from entering.
Using an epoxy resin. The material is applied to the surface. It makes the walls more stable.

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Garage Basement Crack Repair

If the garage has concrete floors, then there is a chance of cracks.

It is not a ductile material, it does not stretch or shrink without damage.

But most splinterings are cosmetic, not structural. Our local masonry team conducts a thorough diagnosis and identifies the cause.

We Stand Behind Our Promise to Deliver Timely & Quality Service

Other Services

We leave an accurate estimate of all the work and indicate the cost. You may be aware that the price will not change after the end of the work. If you want to live in a safe and warm home, contact a reliable contractor to fix foundation cracks.

Entrust repairing of walls and floors in a garage, basement, or house to our specialists. They use materials that are reliable and durable, which provide a long-lasting effect. For all questions, please contact our managers.

The masonry repair cost of work is calculated on an individual basis. Our masters work in all areas of Massachusetts: Lincoln, Malden, Marlboro, Mattapan, Westwood, West Roxbury, Natick, Needham, and others.